I like to write characters' names on the top of the page when they're introduced. There are always details that I might overlook at first, or minor characters I might forget. I do a lot of reading at night, (in the dark, trying not to keep my husband awake) using the Kindle dark mode option. I got the new Kindle Scribe because of the pen and note-taking feature (and the larger screen). You can't write on book pages, but you can make sticky notes or create separate journals and notebooks. I made a reading journal and a separate reading challenge on it.

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As an English teacher, I'm a little bummed that I didn't write this first. Yes, I applaud it all and you listed all the reasons why I do the same. Great post!!

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I think I'd like to try that. The best I've done so far is feel inspired and write articles shared on Substack or Medium. I ear-mark pages that hit home or if I've felt that I needed to share this with a loved one or a client. I take a screenshot and hit send.

I shall take your suggestion into serious consideration, as I'm reading Start With Why. I love the author's work. He's very inspiring. And so are you.

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I LOVE this post!! I've always been an unapologetic annotator and scribbler (even in my Bible, the same one I've used for over 50 years now, and yes, Point #2!) A glance within the pages of a book will immediately tell someone how engaged I was with it and how formative it was for me.

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I admire annotators, but I simply cannot do it. I handle my books carefully, try not to crease the spine, refrain from dog-earing the pages.

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