I ever show you this? I heard they had trouble getting up and running because of a civil war.


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No. That’s interesting. China is a significant investor in Africa.

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Russia is also heavily invested in Africa, diplomatically, militarily, and religiously. Or was invested, until it decided to wreak itself and Ukraine in Ukraine. It’s not a coincidence that the Russian Church, suddenly, decided to open up shop (“Exarchate”) in Africa. I’m afraid that just like for Europeans before, so for Asians (China, Russia) the African continent is nothing but a land of resources.

In an interesting book on environmentalism, “Apocalypse Never,” the author shows how, if the so-called developed world was truly interested in ecological well-being, they would not hinder developing technological progress in nations in Africa and South America and Asia.

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I suspect that latter point is correct. The fastest way to “clean energy” is more energy. Repressing economies only perpetuates ecological problems.

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