It's so true. Until I started using an actual paper planner to track the things I did vs the things I thought I could do, I had no idea how delusional I was about how much I can accomplish in one day or one week. Subtracting seems like a very useful skill we need to develop.

Thanks for the review of the book!

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It does seem like a very useful skill to cultivate: asking what could we eliminate before we add. That’s part of what make the Full Focus Planner work so well; every quarter, week, and day you work on a limited number of goals, projects, and tasks—usually just three. Any more and our ability to achieve is typically compromised.

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Love this review and the research by Klotz. Such a good practice to keep in mind for product development and content creation. Also, the editor in me absolutely loves the flap copy! Thanks for including the quotes too!

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Yeah, the flap copy is an editor’s dream. And I think you’re right about product development; simplification is essential.

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