Two of my favorite people talking about important things... what could be a better use of your time?

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Thanks, Lee!

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Love it. And yes, that’s great about language. In Spanish you say Tengo Hambre. I am hungry like I acquired it. As opposed to Yo Soy Hambre, I am hungry, which is incorrect. (I think) #learning.

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That’s fascinating. There’s a whole school of thought that says language significantly shapes our social imaginaries—the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis. John McWhorter argues against the extreme versions of the idea, but in limited ways it sure seems true.

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One of my faves is

Yo tengo calor means I am hot. I have acquired being hot.

Hot in Spanish is also caliente.

But if you say Yo soy caliente to someone you might get slapped.

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'...distinguishing what is cultural and what is eternal in our faith applies to all Christians in all times and all places...'

I really enjoyed this interview, and thank you for the introduction to Karen Swallow Prior's work.

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My pleasure. Karen has a great gift. Her newest, The Evangelical Imagination, explains a lot about the contemporary American scene.

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Thanks for helping me discover Karen Sallow Prior - I had often heard about her book "On Reading Well" but had not realized she was on substack. Would love to join that dinner (and would bring along a Swiss-style cake for dessert....)

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I know! That dinner sounds like a blast.

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Just finished reading TEI, so appreciated your insights!

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Thanks! I thought it was an excellent book!

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Joel J Miller

I especially like On Reading Well and think the introduction alone is worth the price of the book.

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Looking forward to this. 🎙️ I’m starting KSP’s newest book today.

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It’s excellent!

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