So I'm trying to cut back, and then I read this entry and find descriptions of two books (yeah, short ones, but still...) by writers whose work I have not read before. Two books that sound like fun. If I read them and enjoy them, I'll start poking around looking for their other books, and so much for cutting back.
Ever notice that sometimes if you read a book blog you're kinda like an almost-but-not-quite-recovering alcoholic hanging out in a bar?
This year I've made the 'decision' (because I hate the idea of resolutions), that I'm going to devote more time to creating art, to experimenting, and exploring. The unfortunate consequence is that, with responsibilities and a day-job, there's only so many hours in the day. To do more of anything, means to do less of something else. My reading has taken the brunt of this change of pace. These kind of short reads might be just the thing I didn't know I needed.
What a delightful concept - a short, sweet, and yet adult experience in an hour and a half. Makes me wonder what other genres could use this format. Fantasy comes immediately to mind. I often wonder, "must we always have umpteen-volume series made up of doorstopper tomes?" :)
So I'm trying to cut back, and then I read this entry and find descriptions of two books (yeah, short ones, but still...) by writers whose work I have not read before. Two books that sound like fun. If I read them and enjoy them, I'll start poking around looking for their other books, and so much for cutting back.
Ever notice that sometimes if you read a book blog you're kinda like an almost-but-not-quite-recovering alcoholic hanging out in a bar?
This year I've made the 'decision' (because I hate the idea of resolutions), that I'm going to devote more time to creating art, to experimenting, and exploring. The unfortunate consequence is that, with responsibilities and a day-job, there's only so many hours in the day. To do more of anything, means to do less of something else. My reading has taken the brunt of this change of pace. These kind of short reads might be just the thing I didn't know I needed.
You can almost think of these slim little books as pitch-perfect movies—in and out in under 90 minutes with a lot fun along the way.
You just sold me on The English Understand Wool! I'd seen it around a bit but had no idea what the premise was.
What a delightful concept - a short, sweet, and yet adult experience in an hour and a half. Makes me wonder what other genres could use this format. Fantasy comes immediately to mind. I often wonder, "must we always have umpteen-volume series made up of doorstopper tomes?" :)
Excellent reviews -- I'll check these out. Thank you!