I thought “Man, this link better go to Dominion.”

My wife is getting a Masters Degree in classical education and it’s a blast to see that all ideas are as old as time. Nothing new under the sun is a pretty old thought. I feel like we live in a NOW obsessed culture to our thought detriment.

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Yes! Another couple of books that go down those same paths and reward a read: The Victory of Reason by Rodney Stark and Inventing the Individual by Larry Siedentop.

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Excellent! I’m keeping this to share with others about the value of a challenging read in this age of short attention span. I try to alternate something new with a classic.

We are over published in our times! It’s hard to find the gems. Thanks for being a voice of wise guidance.

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Thanks for the encouragement, Deborah!

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"We can correct what we find in them, and they can sometimes correct what they find in us." 👏

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This is outstanding. Valuable. Thank you.

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Thanks, Lee!

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