I've always loved "flash fiction". It kind of became a "genre" when I was studying writing (in the 1980's at Arizona State, Mark Harris (Bang the Drum Slowly) was my teacher for several semesters). He wasn't much of a fan being a novelist. Some of the briefer "stories" seem more to me like aphorisms or observations than a sentence pregnant with "story" like Hemingway's baby shoes. However, I haven't read flash fiction for about 30 years so I appreciate the article, it gives me some compilations to look for and catch up.

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I’ve never read much of it, but I recently heard an episode of Conversations with Tyler with Lydia Davis about it. https://conversationswithtyler.com/episodes/lydia-davis/ Then I saw this and thought it warranted sharing. I only wish I’d remembered the Davis interview earlier—I should have included it above!

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