Speaking of the Lithuanian book smugglers, there's an excellent middle grade historical fiction novel about them by Jennifer Nielsen called "Words on Fire."

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I’ll have to check that out. Thanks!

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Powerful stuff. Thank you. You would enjoy Redeeming Justice by Jarrett Adams as well.

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Just checked it out. Looks awesome.

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He’s gonna be on my podcast in a couple of weeks!

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This type of writing about books goes beyond the usual. It’s an excellent picture of how vital the word on the page is.

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Super cool. Reminds me of the library thread that runs through The Shawshank Redemption, including some humorous exchanges. “The...Count of...Monty...Crisco?” “Monte CRISTO. You’d like that one--it’s about a prison break.” 😊

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Also: “Alexander Dum...Duma...Dumass. Dumass?” “Du-MAH.” 🤣

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I love that movie!

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